Album & EP Reviews

Dynazty – Firesign

Firesign Cover

Dynazty – Firesign
AFM Records
Release Date: 28/09/2018
Running time: 49:28
Review by Lotty Whittingham

It’s no secret that Sweden is one of the best breeding grounds for Metal and Rock bands, particularly when it comes to Hard Rock, and Dynazty are one of the recent bands to make it out onto the airwaves and into the hearts of Hard Rock fans on a global scale. Could they join the list of bands along with the likes of Eclipse and H.E.A.T? Well, if their latest album “Firesign” is anything to go by then most certainly!

One of the things “Firesign” does is ensures Dynazty’s fierce reputation for strong vocals, finger blistering riffs and dominant melodies. The bold sounds of the 80’s and 90’s are coming back to fruition and bands like Dynazty are here to ensure this sound will never die.

If you are not familiar with Dynazty, the sounds from the latest release could seem a little mediocre at first, especially with a name like “Firesign” when you would expect a lot more heat and passion. But, when you hear the story behind what they were going for, it becomes clear. They were aiming for a stripped-down version of their previous material and that is what they have given us. After finding that out it’s easier to relax and enjoy what’s playing.

“Firesign” kicks off with the gallant singles ‘Breathe With Me’ and ‘The Grey’. If Helloween and The Scorpions had concocted a track together then ‘Breath With Me’ would be it. It gets things moving with its empowering melody, consisting of brilliant riffs, great vocals and emphasising orchestral elements. ‘The Grey’ is a modern classic with its brilliant melody and chorus. Whatever they do to make their melodies memorable for days on end will remain a mystery but let’s hope they continue to use that magic.

The band showcase clear talent and energy throughout the album. They deliver an excellent portfolio of songs from the pumping ‘In The Arms Of A Devil’ to the sweeping beats of ‘Follow Me’.

The bouncy beginning riff in ‘Ascension’ provides a strong hint of the Sabaton hit ‘Gott Mit Uns’, so it’s only logical to imagine glossy hair swishing back and forth to the beat. The beat slows down to allow us to enjoy the strong melody right through to the punchy chorus. This track is interesting in terms of how many different elements of the song there are. Sometimes adding lots of these can either backfire or work highly in the band’s favour. In Ascension’s case it works.

The title track provides a sense of empowerment and hope, particularly when things are looking bleak across the board. The sweeping beat provides an excellent backing for the orchestral elements, powerful vocals and excellent riffs. It could be interpreted that the verses represent the negativity going on in the world and the chorus is the phoenix rising from the ashes, representing hope. But, the only people who would know that for sure are the band themselves.

The intro to ‘Follow Me’ provides strong reminiscence of the sounds of the 80’s. The catchy melody, huge vocals and mighty riffs reinforce this. This will be a song that will go down well at live shows with its punchy verses and choruses.

It ends on a rather grand note with ‘Starfall’. This provides a great climax, yet leaves the listener wanting more. “Firesign” is a grower, the more times you listen to it the more you like it!

This is a band who are going places and I hope they continue to do so!

01. Breathe with Me
02. The Grey
03. In the Arms of a Devil
04. My Darkest Hour
05. Ascension
06. Firesign
07. Closing Doors
08. Follow Me
09. Let Me Dream Forever
10. Starfall
11. The Light Inside the Tunnel


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Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Lotty Whittingham and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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