Album & EP Reviews

Krilloan – Stories Of Times Forgotten EP

Stories of Times Forgotten EP Cover Art

Krilloan – Stories Of Times Forgotten EP
Release Date: 21/05/2021
Running Time: 20:51
Review by Simon Black

Despite it being a sub-genre in grave danger of being over done to death, good old fashioned sword and sorcery based up tempo power metal can still be refreshing and enjoyable when done just right, and this is making a very good step in that direction. This is most definitely Melodic Euro Power Metal in the vein started by Helloween and carried valiantly forward by the many ever since, with this particular instance being the brainchild of Klas Holmgren. Somewhat bashfully, the press release states that the record is driven by “A lifelong love of Melodic Metal and mediocre recording skills”, but frankly the production works out just fine (although perhaps a little less treble next time, eh Klas?).

The five tracks on here are well crafted – which in Power terms means there’s top notch musical proficiency in the playing that seems far simpler on the surface than it actually is. When songs are written like this, they easily draw you in and allow you the absolute pleasure of peeling away the complexity, drawing more and more with each additional listen – without detracting from what got your head nodding in the first place.

Lyrically it’s classic Power fare, but what raises this above the madding crowd is the sheer energy and pace of the piece. This EP ain’t long, but it flies by in less time than the average Dream Theater song with bravado, energy and some absolutely blistering performances all round. The guitar work is absolutely top notch, but I cannot fault the technical skills of anyone else in the project – not least the soaring vocals of Alex VanTrue who effortlessly stays in the kind of top end key that got the double-glazing rattling.

An excellent start from a refreshingly energetic new act, hopefully a full album is not far behind.

‘Into The Storm’ (Lyric Video)

01. Into The Storm
02. Yggdrasil
03. Fireborn
04. Moonblade
05. Times Forgotten

Klas Holmgren – Guitars
Steve Brockmann – Lead Guitar
Alex VanTrue – Vocals
Marco Toba – Bass
David Lanas – Drums


Krilloan Promo Pic

Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Simon Black and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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