Album & EP Reviews

Shot Down Twice – Shot Down Twice EP

Shot Down Twice EP Cover Art

Shot Down Twice – Shot Down Twice EP
Release Date: 21/01/22
Running Time: 29:03
Review by Simon Black

Hailing from Ontario in Canada, Shot Down Twice are on their second EP as they try and punch out to a wider global audience, which let’s face it has been something of a challenge for any band just getting going during the shit show of the last couple of years. Given that so many acts in that situation are effectively shooting in the dark without the benefit of honing their craft in front of demanding live audiences, this can be a challenge. That said, Shot Down Twice seem to be doing fine on the song-writing side of things, which is probably not surprising given that none of the members are on their first rodeo (although this act has only been going for a couple of years). Getting out live might prove to be interesting given that their studio rhythm section is one man, so either another pair of hands is going to be needed live or the bass or drums are going to end up on a click track when on stage (which let’s face it, is deeply unsatisfying both for the players and the audience given that it robs a performance of the risk and edginess that live shows bring with them), but that’s a problem for another day.

Musically, this is good old fashioned Hard and Heavy Rock, although there’s a little more of a Metal edge to it given that the two guitarists are more than happy to take a little bit of Iron Maiden/Wishbone Ash harmonised riffage into the mix, plus a certain amount of down-tuned heaviness which always brings weight to proceedings. The songs are flexible and surprisingly varied, but there’s a clear house sound, built mainly on the back of the positively tangible chemistry between the players. And then there’s Carmen North’s somewhat spectacular range and gutsy delivery, which belies her youth and really holds court well whilst still keeping the cohesive band feel. She’s emphatic and confident in her phrasing, and the net effect is of a much more established and mature band rather than something brand spanking new and – more importantly exciting. Even when they strip things back with the acoustic ballad opening of ‘Goddess Of The Sun’s opening bars, I’m wowed by the subtle and emphatic harmonies in the vocal lines, and when it switches pace to a mid-tempo semi-acoustic rocker the switch does not jar, because these guys weave so well together. It’s not so much a case of shot down as shooting very high indeed.

I’m only a couple of listens in and I want more baby, much more – and I think that you might too.

‘Undermine/Overthrow’ (Official Video)

01. By Design
02. Talk To Me
03. At A Loss
04. Long Haul Blues
05. Undermine/Overthrow
06. Goddess of the Sun

Carmen North – Vocals
Jeff Wilson – Guitar
Pat Rogers – Guitar
Rusty – Drums, Bass


Shot Down Twice Promo Pic

Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Simon Black and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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