Album & EP Reviews

Midnight Road – Ready For The Fight

Ready For The Fight Album Cover Art

Midnight Road – Ready For The Fight
Release Date: 15/07/22
Running Time: 36:00
Review by Paul Hutchings

Formed in 2006 in Bilbao, Midnight Road’s sound switches between classic rock, and the reliable pace of AC/DC, with a large helping of 1980s sleaze. Having released their debut album “Thin Lines” in 2010, they certainly aren’t inexperienced with support slots to the likes of Slash, Inglorious and Gotthard to their name.

There is nothing new about the music, but despite that there is a natural appeal to classic rock played well, and overall, Midnight Road deliver. The opening title track is well placed, a real solid opener which gets the head nodding and the feet tapping. This is the song you need at a festival with a beer in the hand. Simple, effective, and catchier than Covid on an easyJet flight. The tempo slows a little on ‘Road to Death’, an emotionally charged song that works well, allowing lead singer Jon to open the smoky rasp that becomes as familiar as an old friend by the end of the album. 

Competently performed, the only challenge for Midnight Road is getting their music noticed in an already overcrowded field. The NWOCR movement has thrown up hundreds of bands who can deliver the sleazy style that we have here. Making the distinction from band to band can be difficult. But to give the boys from Bilbao their credit, there are several highlights here which will give them opportunity. The vibrancy of ‘Red Lips,’ for example, with its singalong chorus that lingers in the memory, which is always a good sign. ‘Get Your Way’ has a swagger that’ll appeal to lovers of this genre, whilst the closing song ‘Back In Town’ channels the AC/DC vibe and maintains the momentum. 

There’s an energy here which is infectious. Bang that head, clap along, stamp your feet. It’s a feel-good album that provides plenty of entertainment, and that’s got to be okay hasn’t it? 

01. Ready For The Fight
02. Voodoo Queen 
03. Road To Death 
04. Red Lips 
05. Dirty Tricks
06. When You Smile 
07. Welcome To The Revolution 
08. Get Your Way 
09. Face To Face 
10. Back In Town

Jon -lead vocals
Josu -lead guitar 
Iñigo – rhythm guitar
Jose – bass
Jambo – drums


Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Paul Hutchings and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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