EMQ’s With Disminded
EMQ’s With Disminded
Hi everyone! Welcome to another EMQs interview, this time with German Death/ Thrash Metal band, Disminded. Huge thanks to their guitarist, Auer, for taking part.
What is your name, what do you play and can you tell us a little bit about the history of the band?
Hi guys! My name is Auer, I play guitars for Disminded and what describes us the best is a mixture of Death Metal (sometimes old school, sometimes melodic) and Thrash Metal. We formed in early 2009 and tried not to change our sound too much during the years. Me as the main songwriter and our singer Kevin are still present since the beginning so we think we have achieved that goal pretty well.
How did you come up with your band name?
We wanted a summary of our lyrical themes, which are largely about personal negative experiences. Things that leave you “out of your mind”. So we came up with Dis-Minded.
What Country / Region are you from and what is the Metal / Rock scene like there?
We are from Germany, the founding city was Wesel which is north of the “Ruhr Area” where the Metal scene is still running strong. Unfortunately, in our hometown the scene vanished somehow.
Now we live scattered across the Ruhr Area in Duisburg, Essen and Witten. Only Kevin still lives in Wesel.
What is your latest release? (Album, EP, Single, Video)
Our latest release would be the album “Beheading The Snake” (2020), as well as our video single ‘Coro-Nation’, which was also released in 2020. Our upcoming new album “The Vision” will be released on March 11th, and a video single called ‘Unleash Hate’ has already been released on Youtube.
Who have been your greatest influences?
Tough question. I guess during our founding days it was a bit of Kataklysm, a bit of Slayer and a bit of Six Feet Under which defined our way of writing music. During the years there have been a lot of other influences as well, for example Dew Scented, Heaven Shall Burn and, of course, most of the “old” Death Metal bands like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Death, Morbid Angel…
Another big influence I have to mention is my personal love for traditional Heavy Metal and also Power Metal.
Yes, shame on me, HAHA!
What first got you into music?
I think there are the first musical points of contact in everyone’s childhood. Be it parents, friends, family or schoolmates, you always got your music from somewhere. My father always loved Pink Floyd so I grew up listening to them. Later I was introduced to Iron Maiden by my uncle in 1994, since then my life always revolved around music and Heavy Metal specifically.
If you could collaborate with a current band or musician who would it be?
Hmm. There are so many awesome bands and musicians out there so it’s too hard to choose…
Of course, I’d love to work with Iron Maiden, but that’s just fanboy stuff. 😉
If you could play any festival in the world, which would you choose and why?
Despite the fact that we would love to play anywhere, my personal favourite would be Hellfest because it’s so damn huge. There are so many different artists to choose from that I don’t think that you’d ever get bored. I wouldn’t even have time to eat or drink – I’d be sure to miss my own show there.
What’s the weirdest gift you have ever received from a fan?
I can’t recall ever getting gifts from our fans… If so, it would have been in liquid form, which is never weird! HAHA!
If you had one message for your fans, what would it be?
Thanks for your support, it means a lot to us, we love you all!
If you could bring one rock star back from the dead, who would it be?
There are so many good people who have gone too soon… Schuldiner, Darrell, Mercury, Steele, Dio – but if I got to bring one guy back, it would be Hanneman so we’d have Slayer back!
What do you enjoy the most about being a musician? And what do you hate?
I have often wondered whether we really decided to be musicians ourselves. In the end, we just wanted to have a band to get free beer. We learned to play our instruments over time, but does that really make us musicians? But that’s what I like about it: the freedom to decide whether I’m a musician today or not. What I don’t like about it is that there are a lot of “companies” trying to get a piece of our pie and trying to rip us off. Unfortunately, we’ve already had very bad experiences with that, but every experience makes us smarter, right?
If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
Delete Spotify. People should be buying albums again, it’s the greatest support and appreciation that you can show. Plus, you really get to know the artist and the product that you have in your hands. You build a relationship with it. Listening to music online, you are skipping tracks, you don’t read the credits, you don’t even have a band photo. It’s unpersonal and months and years of hard work are turned into faceless disposable products. But that’s just my personal point of view.
Music streaming surely also has its good sides as you get to know new bands and you can listen before buying.
Name one of your all-time favourite albums?
That’s hard, but I’ll go with my roots: Iron Maiden – “Somewhere In Time”!
What’s best? Vinyl, Cassettes, CDs, or Downloads?
Anything physical.
What’s the best gig that you have played to date?
Every concert has its charms. As long as everything doesn’t go completely wrong, we always have fun. Of course there are black sheep. You don’t get paid, no guests show up or the technology fails. but on the whole, we have always made the best out of every situation.
If you weren’t a musician, what else would you be doing?
In any case, I wouldn’t be sitting here in the office doing this interview with you, which I would find a shame, because I’m having a lot of fun.
Which five people would you invite to a dinner party?
I don´t do dinner partys, HAHA!
What’s next for the band?
Releasing our upcoming album “The Vision”, having a huge release party and playing some more shows. We hope to see all of you out there somewhere!
What Social Media / Website links do you use to get your music out to people?
Time for a very British question now. As an alternative to the humble sandwich, is the correct name for a round piece of bread common in the UK either a Bap, a Barm (or Barm Cake), a Batch, a Bun, a Cob, a Muffin, a Roll or a Tea Cake?
I really don´t know! There are so many different names for bread in the UK that even as a local I would lose track of them. Therefore, I think I’d prefer a sandwich. 😉
Thank you for your time. Is there anything else that you would like to add?
Thank you for the invitation and the interesting questions. I hope I could bring you a little closer to the personal side of Disminded. If you like us and our music, please like us on the usual platforms, come to the shows, order our CDs, it means a lot to us and helps us to keep going.
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