Album & EP Reviews

Kold – Intet Mere Er

Kold – Intet Mere Er
Vendetta Records
Release Date: 03/03/23
Running Time: 44:00
Review by Paul Hutchings

Crushing atmospheric intensity is the order of the day with this debut release by Danish duo Kold. Having released their self-titled EP in 2021, Nicklas Johansen (bass & guitar) and Mathias Skov Samsø Jepsen (vocals & Drums) now offer up 44 minutes of crushing darkness, which leans heavily into the black metal of old. 

The songs are long, expressive workouts, with banks of shimmering tremolo riffing and thunderous blastbeats. Nothing instant, with the shortest track being the opening ‘Vinden, Den Kalder Dit Navn’ at 7:50. Jepsen’s demonic screams are classic in style, ferocious and harrowing. They work well, scraping over the melodies that Johansen offers up with his guitar work.

It may be formulaic, but there is some variation. The songs tend to meander, allowing them time to breathe and grow. ‘Ødeland’ sees an expansive and elongated track develop organically, crafting a sonic soundscape which is both sinister yet uplifting. The main thrust of this type of Black Metal remains frenetic speeds, pulsating rhythmic variations and a landscape full of bleakness, isolation, and misery. 

Throughout the record, the driving passion is evident, the contrasts in story telling a raging melting pot which centres on the fragility of life. The final track is the standout song on this album. ‘Nattefrost’ rolls the icy veil over the whole release. A ten-minute epic, it starts with a lone guitar, eking out a pathway which slowly emerges. Feverish and explosive, it progresses with a savagery that excels the other tracks on the album, before slipping into acoustic clarity, a pattern that is repeated before the tumultuous ending. 

There are gaps. The production is probably exactly what is required for this style, slightly fuzzed and raw. The compositions work together, bringing melody through although it’s often hidden. It won’t be an album for those who dislike Black Metal. But for those who still live in the 90s, this old school style is likely to appeal. Raw, but with potential. 

01. Vinden, Den Kalder Dit Navn
02. Ødeland
03. Forgabt I Virvar
04. Et Mørke
05. Nattefrost 

Nicklas Johansen – Bass & guitar
Mathias Skov Samsø Jepsen – vocals & Drums


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