Album & EP Reviews

Misstress – Resurrected

Resurrected Album Cover Art

Misstress – Resurrected
Blasphemous Records
Release Date: 07/05/2021
Running Time: 45:35
Review by Beth Jones

Interesting story. When I was 13, I was hit by lighting, while inside my house. It was the second time in 5 years that my house had received a direct hit from a lighting bolt. The first time it just fried the TV. But the second time it fried the TV, telephone, and plug sockets. I got it through my shoulder blade because I was lying on the living room floor, leaning against the metal grate round the fireplace. My dad was playing his clarinet in his study, and he got it through the window, via the clarinet keys. It also blew up the power outlet boxes in the garden. And my little brother fell off a chair – he didn’t get hit, it was just a really big old bang, which made him jump so high he evacuated the chair rather more quickly than he intended to. Since then, I’ve had a pretty big phobia of storms, and always have the sense of being in a “Final Destination” film – y’know, ‘it didn’t get me properly the first time, so it’s coming back to finish the job’ sort of thing.

Now, you may wonder why I’m telling you this. Well, that would be because the opening track of “Resurrected”, the new album from Polish Shock Rock/Horror Glam band, Misstress, is essentially a very realistic stormscape. I will freely admit here that, on the first listen of this album, many bricks were shat! Thankfully, it’s only a minute and a half long, and now I know it’s there, I’m more prepared for it!

Anyway, enough about my ridiculous hang-ups! Let’s get down to business. What are Misstress, and this new album, all about?

Originally formed in 2011, Misstress have had a turbulent history, with some peaks, and some problems, which saw them take a hiatus in 2015. But now they are back, and ready to shock again!

“Resurrected” is a pacey and thunderous journey from start to finish! It’s got a chaotic element to it too. Drunk sounding vocals, that are always slightly off key, heavy punk style riffs, fuzziness akin to analogue sounds of the 70’s, classic, straightforward blues/rock cadences, monk chants, and discordant fiddle and pipe organ should not all fit together! But somehow, they do. I mean, it’s properly bonkers weird, but in an endearing sort of way. There’s nothing technical about this album at all. Bar a couple of tracks; ‘Lady Katharina’, (which seems to travel into the realms of 90’s Indie Grunge), and ‘Awakening Of The Vampire’ (which is more of an acoustic musical interlude than a track) it’s Glam Rock in its simplest form, but it perfectly encapsulates what the band is all about, in my opinion. And, as a band, knowing who you are, and what you’re trying to do, is vital for success.

This is definitely music to have a party to. It would probably go down really well if The Munsters, The Addams Family, and the zombies from “Shaun Of The Dead” had popped round for drinks, and needed a boogie to finish the night off! My picks for shaking your vampirical tailfeathers would be ‘I’m Goin To Get You’, ‘Deal to The Devil’, and ‘Sex Blood and Rock n Roll’.

If you’re looking for technical exploration of a multi-genred scene, that only the underworld of Avant Garde pretentiousness can deliver, this album isn’t it. But if you’re looking for some no-nonsense fun with a dark twist, from a band who clearly don’t take themselves, or life, too seriously, then this album will be right up your street. Go on, be a devil, let your hair down, have another glass of blood, and rock out!

01. Resurrection
02. Welcome To Hell
03. Lilith (Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum)
04. I’m Goin To Get U
05. No Risk No Fun
06. Jesus Christ Pornstar
07. Deal to the Devil
08. Sex Blood and Rock n Roll
09. Lady Katharina
10. Blood Sucker
11. Evil
12. Awakening Of The Vampire
13. Time To Hunt

Mateusz “Buczyfer” Buczek – Vocals
Andy “Ankh” Schoeneich – Guitars
Przemek “Szeryf” Kowalczyk – Bass
Tomek “Kliman” Klimczak – Drums


Misstress Promo Pic

Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Beth Jones and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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