Album & EP Reviews

Kids In Cages – Tired (Single)

Tired Single Cover Artwork

Kids In Cages – Tired (Single)
Release Date: 01/05/2021
Running Time: 04:08
Review by Dark Juan

Greetings, dear friends. I’ve been away for a bit, but I am back now. There were matters that required my attention which have been dealt with. Just don’t ask where my chainsaw and my sledgehammer are, OK? It wouldn’t be worth your while knowing…Also, you have no need to know why I have burned the clothes I was wearing at the time.

So, now I’m back, I’m going to talk about this single from the excellent Kids In Cages, who are from the metal hotspot that is Liechtenstein and fronted by the estimable, impressively bearded, and Keeper Of The Favoured Mighty (Vegan) Gravy Jug Of Valhalla and arranger/founder of the important and puntastically named OpenHair metal festival held in Balzers, Finlay Davey. Kids In Cages (I’m in no doubt as to where they got the name of the band from and neither should you if you have had any eye at all on modern history during the Donald Trump era of America…) have released a very engaging, and it has to be said, EXUBERANTLY BOUNCY debut single called ‘Tired’ and Mrs. Dark Juan and myself have been bouncing equally exuberantly to it.

I must add this disclaimer for reasons of propriety: Actually, we have been moving in as exuberant as fashion as we can according to various levels of physical malady and mental illness permit us to.

Kids In Cages treat us to an excellent opening in the form of a languid metal guitar riff that segues into an electronic squelchy bass riff before Fin sets off on a breathless and speedy rap that then drops into a hardcore bark and break before a very sublime indeed chant-a-long chorus. Taking cues from Fin’s previous hardcore band experience, industrial, electronic body music, and hip hop, ‘Tired’ takes you to several different places in music simultaneously and welds them together in a way that can only be described as satisfying. Imagine the snottiness of the fuck off attitude of British 70’s punk, the political awareness and rage of hardcore, the inventiveness and vast soundscapes of electronic progressive music, the street savvy of rap (and the madness of Mindless Self Indulgence) and there you have Kids In Cages. And frankly it sounds like a fucking brilliant place to be.

Kids In Cages record in an interesting fashion as well – their electronic samples being self-created. ‘Tired’ is the first of 60 songs recorded during the pandemic and lyrically deals with the concepts of isolation and impostor syndrome. Heavy shit indeed for a band that has an almost poppy sound.

A single that is well worth your time if you are a fan of interesting and vibrant music, and not if you are some fucking purist who think that Manowar are the be all and end all of metal.

The Patented Dark Juan Blood Splat Rating System (Das patentierte Dark Juan Blutspritzer-Bewertungssystem. Probably wrong in actual German and way off the mark in Schweizerdeutsch as well, but at least I tried…) awards Kids In Cages a throbbing 10/10 for a fine, bouncy single that’s both fun and interesting and really very good indeed.


Finlay – Vocals
Darius – Bass and Keyboards
Gino – Guitar and Vocals
Kevin – Drums


Kids In Cages Promo Pic

Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of ‘Dark Juan’ and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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