EMQ’s with Sebia

EMQ’s with Sebia

Hi everyone! Welcome to another EMQs interview, this time with Greek Hard Rock/ Heavy Metal band, Serbia. Huge thanks to them for taking part. 

What is your name, what do you play, and can you tell us a little bit about the history of the band?

Hello there. My name is Leonidas (you may call me Leon) and I am the lead singer of the band. It is quite a long story. This band started back in 2018 with a different name. However, Sebia was originally founded around April and May of 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. The band (before being renamed to Sebia), already had some tracks in their quiver and a dream of making an album, when everything would be back to normal again. Today the band consists of five members: Nikos Gavalas (Bass, Vocals), Konstantinos Kyritsis (Lead Guitarist), Pavlos Kounalakis (Drums) and Marios Theodorou (Rhythm Guitarist).

How did you come up with your band name?

The band’s name originates from a fictional character named Sebia, whose story is depicted in some of the band’s songs. Sebia is a female humanoid who resided in a fantasy realm called AEN where creatures like her were perceived as witches, excluded from human society, and hunted. This character serves as a representation of the band reflecting on its underlying philosophy. It represents this strange inner voice echoing in our head from time to time, which we refuse to listen to. It is our own self. The aid we need in our lives, that gives us strength to go on. Sebia, as a crow, is the main symbol of our band and makes us feel free to compose and play our music without thinking of musical borders. 

What Country / Region are you from and what is the Metal / Rock scene like there?

The band is based in Athens/Greece, and we believe that we got some real good stuff here.The Rock and Metal scenes in Greece are full of capable and interesting bands with a variety of styles and plenty of genres.  

What is your latest release? 

Our first single was released on the 20th of February 2023. We released ‘Ship Lost Through the Mist’, a track included in our first upcoming album. The song was released as a lyric video and is available on all streaming platforms. In addition, we recently had our second release on May 5th. Another song from our upcoming album, named ‘Voices’ as a music video. Both were edited and directed by Mr. John Kaimakamis and the Nightwatchers.

Who has been your greatest influences?

As a five membered band, we have a lot of influences and seem very different from one another. The band combines vintage metal with a modern sound, fusing hard rock and progressive elements, enriched with melodic vocal lines and riffs. Some of the band’s influences: Metallica, Dream Theater, Nevermore, Kansas, Iron Maiden, System of a Down and lots of others.

What first got you into music?

LEON: The story is very simple. I was about 13 years old, back in 2005, and I was trying to find my identity as a teenager. And of course, I wanted to find the music that would be my companion through the years. On a winter’s afternoon my older brother, Fotis, told me about a song he thought I would probably like. So, he gave me his MP3 player and I listened to the song. It was ‘Hypnotize’ from System of a down. I remember this chilling feeling passing through all my body. It was the beginning of my journey. It was like a revelation to me. I started to imagine myself being in a band. I was watching their video clips and I was listening to only S.O.A.D for a long time. The rest is history as they say.

NICK: I have always been keen on music since I was a little kid. I remember back to the days I was taking piano lessons, being about 12 years old. I didn’t like studying theory so much and I just wanted to experiment with my own music creations. So, I started composing my newbie stuff on my synthesizer till the age of 15. Then I discovered the rock genre and found out what GUITAR is! Self-taught at the start, I became familiar with it and later I attended some classes. Meanwhile the love for bass was lurking through these years. I always loved how a song can be based around it. Hearing basslines and understanding them always intrigued me! Today, I count 7 years as an active bass player and feel very happy to cooperate with my bandmates during this music journey with Sebia!

KONSTANTINOS: 12 years old. That is when I started listening to a variety of CDs from Greek artists (Tsitsanis, Kazantzidis). At that time, I could not explain what I felt while I was listening to music. It seemed to awaken something in me. Every note, every chord progression, the combinations were magical! It wasn’t long until I started learning Mpouzouki. I wanted to recreate what I was listening to. Two years later, I discovered the classical guitar. Immediately after I started listening to Rock and Metal bands and that was it. At the age of 17, on Christmas, me and my best friend decided to go buy our first guitars after school. We both picked up the guitar and joined the local Conservatory.  

MARIOS: What got me into music? My father was with no doubt a classic rock and hard rock fan when I was born. For that reason, I grew up with this kind of music, full of awesome riffs and heavy sounds. I remember my favourite dance move was playing the “air guitar”. But what really got me into music was an old MP3 player. My uncle had an MP3 player and then, for the first time I focused on 3 songs. I remember ‘Paranoid’ (from Sabbath), ‘Highway to Hell’ (AC/DC) and ‘Down With The Sickness’ (Disturbed). The next day, I said to my dad “Hey I want to play music”. I remember that I wanted to hit stuff, so I asked for a drumkit. But my dad said that I should try the guitar first. I still thank him for that. That’s when I started taking guitar lessons. Classical guitar at first, and then when I hit 12, I bought my first electric guitar. Man, I was in love.

PAUL: When I was 6 years old, my brother gave me a cassette. Listening to that intro… The sound of rain and that bell changed my life. It was Black Sabbath!

If you could collaborate with a current band or musician who would it be?

NICK: My dream is to share the stage with the bands I was “raised” with, including Judas Priest, ACDC, Metallica and Iron Maiden. Though, being realistic, I would really love to collaborate with Alter Bridge, a band that is currently one of my favourites and a big inspiration since the late 90s.

KONSTANTINOS: If I had the chance to collaborate with a current band or musician, I would choose to collaborate with Evanescence. Evanescence have rapidly risen to stardom with their unique sound, captivating vocals, and thought-provoking lyrics. Amy’s ability to blend genres and create hauntingly beautiful music sets her apart in the industry.

This would be a thrilling experience due to her distinct artistic vision and willingness to push boundaries.

MARIOS: At first, I would say Black Sabbath or Zeppelin without a doubt, but they have retired. So maybe I would like to collaborate with Tool. Yeah… These guys make me feel stuff with their music. I would love to make out the way they create and process their music.

LEON: It would be an honor and a privilege to play and collaborate with System of a Down, Blind Guardian, Brian May (Queen), Metallica and of course Black Sabbath. And last but not least, my favorite, Serj Tankian (System of a Down).

If you could play any festival in the world, which would you choose and why?

NICK: Playing at Wacken would make a big dream come true!

KONSTANTINOS: If I were given the opportunity to perform at any festival in the world, I would choose Wacken! Wacken is one of the most iconic and influential music festivals globally, known for its diverse line-up, unique atmosphere, and trendsetting fashion. Playing at Wacken would provide an incredible platform to showcase my talent to a massive audience of music enthusiasts, industry professionals, and fellow artists.

MARIOS: Rock AM Ring for sure! It’s a huge event with thousands of people and the greatest bands playing there.

LEON: All of them. Wacken, Release, Rockwave, Rock AM Ring and so many others. But I long for festivals like Woodstock ‘69 or Live Aid ‘85.

PAUL: Wacken, Hellfest, Rock AM Ring, Release Athens Festival, Rockwave, Monsters of Rock.

What’s the weirdest gift you have ever received from a fan?

NICK: Bass players don’t take gifts from fans, hehe! Just joking, I just feel grateful and complete when someone from the audience gives me strong feedback, either good or bad.

KONSTANTINOS: The only gift I ever need from a fan is to make them feel like I did when I first listened to my first disks. Inspired.

MARIOS: The only gift I received from a fan was a cup of beer. Oh, and that fan was my cousin.

LEON: I assume that it is too early to talk about fans and gifts. But since you ask, what gift would you give me?

PAUL: There is no better gift than seeing your fans enjoying your music.

If you had one message for your fans, what would it be?

Well, if they’re musicians themselves, as individuals we truly suggest that people experiment with their music and go directly where their emotions lead. Music is a living organism and evolves along with us as we grow. Now, a message for all of us is to enjoy every kind of music and respect the moments when we choose to listen to or play anything we want. Whether something is more complicated than something else shouldn’t be judged because this may be just another person’s point of view and taste. Music needs authentic listeners who enjoy travelling with its magic.

If you could bring one rock star back from the dead, who would it be?

LEON: I don’t really know. To bring someone back from the dead it’s a big deal. You know what I mean right? You could change the course of history. But if I had the chance to travel in the past, I would probably like to see Queen at Wembley Stadium in 1986. Or maybe Woodstock ‘69.

NICK: I agree with my friend Leon, but I would really love to know what would happen if Freddy was still alive!

KONSTANTINOS: I would not change history really. I would rather travel to the past and see Metallica playing live in Moscow 1991.

MARIOS: Bring back Randy Rhoads. For sure.

PAUL: I really don’t know whom to choose. I think that DIO would be an option.

What do you enjoy the most about being a musician? And what do you hate?

LEON: Through music, my imagination runs wild and allows me to create more than just imagining. I believe that the greatest pleasure lies in creating your own music. It’s like giving birth to a child. You love it. I don’t think there is anything to hate. The only thing that comes to my mind about what I hate, is that if someone wants to rise and shine, the musical firmament is a hard and painful path. This is slightly negative I know but, then again, everything in life is a battle, isn’t it?

KONSTANTINOS: There’s hardly anything to hate in being a musician. I love it when inspiration strikes. Everything that I have written came to me around 3am. It just happens to me. I wake up playing a melody in my head and I wake up in the middle of the night to record myself with my smartphone and sleep again. In the morning I start working on my ideas.

MARIOS: I love it when I create feelings with music. I love it when I see someone share the same feeling with me while playing. I think this is the duty of the musician. Create feelings through music. And the thing I hate… Money of course. I don’t really care about money! I just want to play music. Why should everything on this planet be about money? I need money to provide music. Without money I can’t record, I can’t promote my music or anything. It’s kind of sad, especially for people who have a really hard time with financial issues.

NICK: Music is my whole life. I have been compromised with this idea. I can hardly imagine myself without it. Life would be miserable. Also, I find great pleasure in composing. You could say it is my personal hell, without the negative meaning! I stand in the shoes of a listener, and I try to create something that he/she would like to listen to. I love blending ideas from different genres and inspirations and creating something unique and interesting! Maybe music is just 7 notes, but it will always be endless. You listen to something new; you get inspired; you compose! On the other hand, what I hate is nothing different from what my bandmates have already said. Idle competition between musicians, money to do and actualize what you love… But I don’t care about this stuff, I enjoy the pros of this magical world called MUSIC.

PAUL: What I enjoy most in music is that I find tension, adrenaline and that I truly enjoy myself through creation. With music, the dream I had as a child comes true. What I can’t stand in music is the metronome, but I know that it’s important and I have dealt with it!

If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

LEON: I support the idea that music should not be treated as something competitive in terms of musicians and bands. I strongly believe this, because every artist has something else to offer and speaks in their own way. We may share a common style with some bands, but again, there is a different sound, different people, different messages and feelings, everything is different. So how can a band treat another band competitively, when one talks about spaghetti and the other about apples?

NICK: I‘d change what I hate, aforementioned. Just that. Music industry can be a great sector of our lives!

PAUL: That is a little complicated. There are a million musicians and bands out there. I would wish that all new musicians and bands have opportunities in making records and playing in big festivals.

Name one of your all-time favourite albums?

LEON: I can’t really say only one. Truly is difficult. I can say five instead.

“Elect the Dead” – Serj Tankian

“Awake” – Dream Theater

“Rising” – Rainbow

“Dreaming Neon Black” – Nevermore

“System of a down” – System of a down

And so many others…

NICK: I will choose 5 too because I was jealous.
“Freaks of nature” – Kansas
“Ten” – Pearl Jam
“Deadwing” – Porcupine tree
“Fortress” – Alter Bridge
“Powerslave” – Iron Maiden

And so many others too…

KONSTANTINOS: I will follow the rule of 3!

“End of an Era” – Nightwish
“True Power” – I Prevail
“Fallen” – Evanescence


“Hail to the King” – Avenged Sevenfold
“Rise of the Fenix” – Tenacious D
Every Black Sabbath album
“10,000 Days” – Tool

PAUL: Seriously? There are too many….

I will mention three of them.

“Master of Puppets” – Metallica
“Black Sabbath” – Black Sabbath
“Overkill” – Motorhead 

What’s best? Vinyl, Cassettes, CD’s or Downloads?

MARIOS: Vinyl is the best! Yeah I know everyone downloads music and listens to it in awesome quality. I know that and I do that too. But the old school music records… They hit differently.

PAUL: I believe that downloads shouldn’t be in competition, but unfortunately, we live in a digital age. The feel of the cassette, or a CD, or a vinyl and their smell cannot be compared to downloading music. I remember when I bought my first CDs (Symphony and Metallica 1999), I read the inside for hours. There was something magical about it.

LEON: I grew up in the late 90’s. CDs ruled back then. I never owned myself a pickup. I would like to buy one though. I think that Vinyl is the king of those three. For its sound and how it looks.

NICK: I‘d never compare old means of listening to music with the new ones, due to their quality and feel of course. But still, living in 2023, we must go with the flow. I am happy that nowadays, vinyls seem to be in trend and people support new bands like us by being provided with them!

What’s the best gig that you have played to date?

LEON: JACK’S FULL – LONE DREAD – SEBIA at Temple Athens 21/10/2022. Our best gig so far.

NICK: Totally agree. But many great shows are to come!

PAUL: I will agree with my friend Leonidas.

MARIOS: Easy. My first gig. AN club, Athens. I will never forget it. I was so anxious, but it was one of the greatest nights of my life so far.

KONSTANTINOS: Lazy Man’s Load – Bent by Sorrow – Sebia at Piraeus Academy 12.05.23.

If you weren’t a musician, what else would you be doing?

LEON: I am not a professional musician. I am a graphic designer and a digital marketeer. I‘d love to be an actor.

NICK: None of us makes a living by being a professional musician (till now!). I work in logistics.

MARIOS: I am currently a junior software engineer and I work in IT. Just computer stuff.

KONSTANTINOS: If I was not a musician I would be trying to become a musician! That’s all that matters.

PAUL: I am not a professional musician. I’m a cook. I studied cooking instead. I would be a chef.
Now you know who cooks in the band.

Which five people would you invite to a dinner party?

 LEON: Serj Tankian, Brian May, Freddie Mercury, Warrel Dane, John Petrucci.

NICK: If we talk about musicians that inspired me, they would be: Angus Young, Geezer Butler, Ian Gillan, Ian Andersen and Mark Tremonti.

KONSTANTINOS: Like, dinner with my band! These guys rock I tell you!

What’s next for the band?

We are super-excited and eager to share our debut album Friday 9th June 2023. We’re also getting ready for our first headline gig of the winter as a live presentation to our first album “Acceptance of Reality”! Stay tuned for more!

What Social Media / Website links do you use to get your music out to people? 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sebia.official
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sebia.official/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT6gQUVZ4vckp2gb1cQGlOQ
Wixsite: https://sebiatheband.wixsite.com/sebia-official
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/09wM7J0odm4sVE2DAAWgbF?si=1GmH12g0RP-HcbeMAj9grQ&nd=1&_authfailed=1
Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sebia.official

Time for a very British question now. As an alternative to the humble sandwich, is the correct name for a round piece of bread common in the UK either a Bap, a Barm (or Barm Cake), a Batch, a Bun, a Cob, a Muffin, a Roll, or a Tea Cake?

LEON: I want to be honest with you, the only food that matters in this life is Spaghetti. End of story!

NICK: Just souvlaki and I am ok.

KONSTANTINOS: OH I get it; this is like a thing we have in Greece. (Souvlaki or Kalamaki)
I would go for Roll!

PAUL: As I mentioned before, I am a cook. Thus, I strongly believe that nothing of these foods compares with GREEK SOUVLAKI (Do not forget TZATZIKI).

Thank you for your time. Is there anything else that you would like to add?

We want to thank you also for the interview and your time. We are about to do our album presentation somewhere in the following autumn. So, you are more than welcome to visit us and have fun together. 

Disclaimer: This interview is solely the property of Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.