Blind Guardian – Toinha Brasil, Brasília, Brazil
Blind Guardian – Toinha Brasil, Brasília, Brazil
Live Review by Victor Augusto
25 years of waiting! Exactly what you’ve just read. The German legends Blind Guardian are like gods of Heavy Metal all around the world, but in Brazil this worship goes further, and you could feel it 25 years ago when they arrived for their first time in Brazil. After that, the band returned for many tours in Brazil, but the city of Brasília had to wait for 25 years to receive them after a show was cancelled in 2002. Considering everything that happened so far, could you imagine how high the expectations were?
This time everything went perfectly right, and the sold-out concert was intense. Even without any space left there with so many people in the audience, what we saw was magical, and it just happened that the happiness and energy that all members showed to be finally there after so much. The members hit the stage with the classic ‘Imaginations From The Other Side’ and Hansi Kürsch was very kind – talking with the crowd and repeating how happy they were to visit Brasília for the first time. He was very funny saying that we had all these years to rehearse to sing along with them and I was impressed because we really did it perfectly for two long hours.
Even the new songs such as ‘Secrets of the American Gods’ had the added intensity of all the fans singing along. One Interesting fact was to see them bringing amazing old tracks that are B-sides in their live set-list over the decades and I am talking about songs like ‘Majesty’, ‘Lost In The Twilight Hall’ and ‘Traveller in Time’ for example.
For me, despite the fact that I’ve already seen them in another city, I felt like I was travelling back in time, when I was teenager and buying their CD’s to play repeatedly at home. I even went to this show with my cousin, and we laughed because 20 years ago, when I lived with him in my uncle’s home, I introduced him to Blind Guardian and here we were together tonight.
What about the highlights? I won’t mention songs because the set list was incredible for me, but things like Hansi looking in the fans eyes all the time and Marcus Siepen also interacting while playing the rhythm parts was amazing. André Olbrich is very focused on his solos, and it was a master class from his side, considering he is one of the guys I most admire as a musician and composer. The harmonies when Marcus plays a few solo parts together, like the solo of ‘Lost In The Twilight Hall’, was something that I really wished to see live after spending hours listening to it on my headphones when I was younger while listening to the “Tokyo Tales” album.
I still have no words to describe the feeling I had there, but I can assure you that everyone left the venue with a huge smile on their faces.

Blind Guardian:
Venue – Toinha Brasil Show:
Promoter – Live Concert Produções:
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