UK Subs – The Albums 1979-1982

UK Subs – The Albums 1979-1982
Captain Oi!/Cherry Red Records
Release date: 26/04/2024
Running time: 5 CD Boxset
Review by: Alun Jones

Here we are again, chums, in Platinum Al’s Punk Rock Corner: that little part of Ever Metal where we inject a little crazy and keep things punk rock.  And to what do we owe this honour?  Why, another fine collection of albums by our old favourites UK Subs, curated once again by the philanthropic professors at Captain Oi!/Cherry Red.

Previously, we’ve enjoyed the last in the Subs’ alphabetical album run, from W to Z.  This time, we’re right back to the beginning, with the first five albums by Charlie Harper’s gang covering A to E.  Yes, that’s right: the UK Subs really did release an album beginning with each letter of the alphabet.  In order.  Plus there’s loads of others too…

Anyway, let’s get down to business with the very first record, “Another Kind of Blues”, which originally came out in 1979. Opening with the rowdy anthem ‘CID’, some of the band’s roots in rock’n’roll and R&B can be heard in this early work – check out the harmonica on ‘I Couldn’t Be You’. Other tracks have a frantic Ramones style, like ‘Live in a Car’ and ‘Rocker’, with its “Born a Rocker, Die a Rocker!” pledge. The 14 track album is packed out with 9 bonus tracks, covering single versions and B sides, which creates a solid, all-encompassing version. And of course, there are unforgettable tracks like ‘Tomorrow’s Girls’ and my personal fave, ‘Stranglehold’ (First Subs track I ever heard!).

Released just months later was second album “Brand New Age”, which reached number 18 in the charts, pop fans! The formula is similar but slightly more refined: straight up, no nonsense punk rock, as evidenced by the title track and ‘Emotional Blackmail’. There’s also the great single ‘Teenage’ (a dirty full on rocker) and the chant along ‘Warhead’. This disc is complimented by a load more bonus tracks, including the non-album Zombies cover ‘She’s Not There’ and respective B sides.

Next up for the UK Subs was a live album, ‘Crash Course’, released in September 1980. It became the band’s highest charting LP, reaching number 8. Serving as a handy introduction to their repertoire, this set features key singles and tracks from the first two records. This updated version also includes the 4 track bonus “For Export Only” EP which is packaged as a freebie with early copies. I have that on vinyl, but it’s nice to finally have a digital copy.

Disc 4 is the “Diminished Responsibility” album, and it’s a right corker. It’s here we can really begin to see how the Subs merged into both the UK Street Punk and USA Hardcore scenes, with tracks like ‘So What’ and the brilliant ‘Time and Matter’. Let’s not forget also ‘Party in Paris’ which is a catchy little number and no mistake – if that doesn’t get you running up the Champs Elysee at 4 am, nothing will!  Again this CD is chock full of delightful bonus tracks, including four Charlie Harper solo tracks.

Our final disc is the “Endangered Species” album, another beauty of a record. The title track and ‘Living Dead’ are face rippers right from the get-go. This is where listeners will find the song ‘Down on the Farm’ famously covered by overblown cock-rock gimps Guns ’n’ Roses – but don’t let that put you off, it’s still a stellar track.  Just two bonus tracks here, but it wraps everything up neatly.

So there we have it: 5 CDs of classic punk rock, covering the start of one of the most extraordinary careers in music. The sound on all discs is super quality, and the booklet is well put together and brimming with easily digestible factoids about each release. This UK Subs collection is as sharp and well researched – put together with a healthy admiration.  Anyone interested in punk should delve right in. 


01 C.I.D.
02 I Couldn’t Be You
03 I Live In A Car
04 Tomorrows Girls
05 Killer
06 World War
07 Rockers
08 I.O.D.
09 T.V. Blues
10 Blues
11 Lady Esquire
12 All I Want To Know
13 Crash Course
14 Young Criminals
15 B.1.C.
16 Disease
17 Stranglehold
18 C.I.D. (Single Version)
19 Live In A Car (Single Version)
20 B.1.C (Single Version)
21 Stranglehold (Single Version)
22 World War (Single Version)
23 Rockers (Single Version)
24 Tomorrows Girls (Single Version)
25 Scum Of The Earth
26 Telephone Numbers
01 You Can’t Take It Anymore
02 Brand New Age
03 Public Servant
04 Warhead
05 Barbie’s Dead
06 Organised Crime
07 Rat Race
08 EmoMonal Blackmail
09 Kicks
10 Teenage
11 Dirty Girls
12 500 CC
13 Bomb Factory
14 EmoMonal Blackmail II
15 She’s Not There
16 Kicks (Single Version)
17 VicMm
18 The Same Thing
19 Warhead (Single Version)
20 The Harper
21 I’m WaiMng For The Man
22 Teenage (Single Version)
23 LeZ For Dead
24 New York State Police
01 C.I.D.
02 I Couldn’t Be You
03 I Live In A Car
04 Tomorrows Girls
05 Left For Dead
06 Kicks
07 Rat Race
08 New York State Police
09 Warhead
10 Public Servant
11 Telephone Numbers
12 Organised Crime
13 Rockers
14 Brand New Age
15 Dirty Girls
16 The Same Thing
17 Crash Course
18 Teenage
19 Killer
20 Emotional Blackmail
21 I.O.D.
22 Lady Esquire
23 Blues
24 Young Criminals
01 You Don’t Belong
02 So What
03 Confrontation
04 Fatal
05 Time And Matter
06 Violent City
07 Too Tired
08 Party In Paris
09 Gangster
10 Face The Machine
11 New Order
12 Just Another Jungle
13 Collision Cult
14 Party In Paris (Single Version)
15 Fall Of The Empire
16 Keep On Running (Til You Burn)
17 Perfect Girl
18 Ice Age (Single Version)
19 Party In Paris (French Version)
20 Barmy London Army
21 Talk Is Cheap
22 Freaked
23 Jo
01 Endangered Species
02 Living Dead
03 Countdown
04 Ambition
05 Lie Down And Die
06 Fear Of Girls
07 Down On The Farm
08 Sensitive Boys
09 ÷ 8 x 5
10 Ice Age
11 I Robot
12 Flesh Wound
13 Plan Of Action
14 I Don’t Need Your Love (Charlie vocal)


Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Alun Jones and Ever Metal. Photography the property of Mike Evans. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.