Torqued – Forgotten Soul / Open Wound
Torqued – Forgotten Soul & Open Wound
Release Date:31/03/2017
Running Time 9:34
Review by Rick Tilley
“We Are Torqued!
Constricted by nothing, answerable to no one!
Torqued are 3 piece Groove Laden Heavy Metal outfit based in the Deep South of the UK.
With more hooks than an abattoirs chiller, their unique brand of Groove Laden heavy metal has been constructed with one goal in mind…
To rip faces and blow gauges!”
The above is written on the PR Blurb and Facebook page of Torqued and, for once, the blurb isn’t ‘pie in the sky’ or elaborated because the two tracks that the band have sent over for review, in fact their first EVER two songs are crackling with energy, heavy as hell and have put the ‘GR’ back in Groove! Formed from the ashes of such bands as Frantic, Create Chaos, Vitriolic, Lex Umbra and Mad Hatter 2, these three guys obviously have pedigree and talent!
With the recent and very sad demise of Def-Con-One still in my thoughts Torqued could be the band that takes their place. ‘Forgotten Soul’ & ‘Open Wound’ have that same thumping feel that Def-Con-One possessed in spades but they’ve got something a little bit different/extra as well. They have the southern swagger that Pantera made their own and the vocals, especially at the low end, have a real Anselmo vibe to them.
Both songs are filled with enough variety and riffs to have you moshing with a huge grin your face with ‘Forgotten Soul being the slightly more up-tempo track and ‘Open Wound’, at twice the length, having a slow main riff that’s so heavy and catchy that you can feel the pressure in your neck building up before you’ve even started moving!
There is only one thing I would change slightly and that is having more oomph on the snare drum. It sounds a little light compared to the rest of the instruments!
It’s great to see a brand new band hit the ground running like this and I am very much looking forward to seeing what Marc Cleave, Dave Grange and Kurt Johnson have got up their sleeves next!
Go and check out these two tracks and welcome Torqued to the fold!
1. Forgotten Soul
2. Open Wound

Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Richard Tilley and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to do adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.