Soldier – Storm Rider EP
Soldier – Storm Rider EP
Starhaven Records
Release Date: 12/08/2019
Running Time: 15:49
Review by Paul Monkhouse
It’s incredible to believe that Soldier are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year and, much like some of their other contemporaries from the NWOBHM era, they still have an awful lot to offer as this three track EP ably shows. Whilst the band have had more line-ups than the Met Police, founding member and original guitarist Ian Dick has found himself a perfect combination of talent to power them on and keep the name and music very much alive. Having somewhat sadly decided not to gig this year (but who knows what the future holds) this new release is a perfect indicator of the force they still harness but also acts as a perfect introduction to newcomers of this seminal band.
The title track ‘Storm Rider’ kicks things off in fine style with its insistent riff, powered by the guitars of Dick and Miles Goodman. This has elements of some of the best of that initial rush of creativity and fire from forty years ago but also gives it a great, modern sound. There was a real song-writing skill that a lot of the bands of that heady era, like Saxon, Praying Mantis, Diamond Head and Samson, had and this is very much the case here as their ear for a melody as well as something that has that visceral excitement comes through on every track. Singer Richard Frost has been a real find and has a voice that’s perfect for the material, his vocals having both power and a honeyed tone to them. The guitar solo at the end of the song is all you could hope for and leads nicely into a fade before the second song, ‘R.N.R.’, kicks in.
Despite the well-worn subject of a guitar slinging hero, the song is utterly irresistible and glories in an instant appeal that sounds just so good whilst treading that line between hard rock toughness and AOR. These guys put other artists of the genre in the shade. The epic ‘Little Big Horn’ is the sort of thing that Iron Maiden used to make when they were at the first, early peak of their career and at just over six minutes in length gives you time to really revel in its delights. It has both the style and subject matter of early Maiden but with a lot more polish as the guitars charge full pelt at you, vocals weaving the tale and the bass and drums (of Steve Barlow and Tim Churchman respectively) pound with precision. It really is a great way to end the E.P. and leaves you not only marvelling at the music therein but desperately craving more. Fortunately, there’s quite a back catalogue to explore and this release is a pure distillation of what makes Soldier’s brand of melodic metal so enduring. Here’s to the next 40..!
01. Storm Rider
02. R.N.R.
03. Little Big Horn
Richard Frost – Vocals
Ian Dick – Guitar
Miles Goodman – Guitar
Steve Barlow – Bass
Tim Churchman – Drums
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