Wizard Rifle – Wizard Rifle

Wizard Rifle Cover

Wizard Rifle – Wizard Rifle
Svart Records
Release Date: 30/08/2019
Running Time: 44:23
Review by Alun Jones

Right, about time I got back to business with these album reviews for my pals at Ever Metal. But how do you define the indefinable? ‘Cos that’s basically the issue I’ve had with this review (not writer’s block, honest)! Comparing Wizard Rifle to other bands in myopic, lazy journo style just doesn’t seem to cut it with these guys.
There’s too much going on with Wizard Rifle’s self-titled album to accurately pin down a clumsy similarity to someone else. It’s a mixture of loud, obnoxious metal, post rock, screamy hardcore punk and grungy sludge; with waves of psychedelic beauty tying it together.
Despite the unholy wall of noise that the band produce there are just two of them – guitarist/vocalist Max Dameron and drummer/vocalist Sam Ford. That’s a hell of a racket for just two people. They’re not short of ideas either, as the genre blending demonstrates. Maybe that’s an advantage of just two minds, rather than several – Dameron and Ford display some ingenious telepathy weaving their creations together.
Loads of energy too – ‘Rocket To Hell’ (great title) is a glorious, shouty opener, and ‘Caveman Waltz’ is a possible contender for Riff of the Year. It chugs like a drug fuelled locomotive trying to jump the Grand Canyon.
There are only five songs on this record, but as none of them are under seven minutes in length, there’s plenty of value for money. The guys have learnt to expand a song and explore its possibilities in a way that keeps the ear engaged. Like on the 12 minute epic ‘Funeral Of The Sun’, which stretches out hypnotically but loses none of its heavy intensity.
Wizard Rifle are from the Portland, Oregon area – which as it’s the Pacific North West, must surely be Big Foot country. So, I’m gonna coin a lazy journo phrase and label this sound Big Foot Rock. Remember, you read it here first. And yes, when this band are huge and Big Foot Rock takes over Western Civilization, I’ll be claiming the royalties for inventing that label.
Big Foot Rock T-shirt, sir? That’ll be £19.99. “Now That’s What I Call Bigfoot Rock, Vol 1” vinyl compilation? Just £27.99! Can I change a fifty? Oh, keep the change? Thank you very much!
01. Rocket To Hell
02. Caveman Waltz
03. Beneath The Spider
04. Funeral Of The Sun
05. V

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Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Alun Jones and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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