Album & EP Reviews

Dayglo Mourning – Dead Star

Dead Star Album Art

Dayglo Mourning – Dead Star
Black Doomba Records
Release Date: 12/02/2021
Running Time: 35:07
Review by Alun Jones

It was late afternoon when I woke. Sunlight was pouring through the blinds like cheap bourbon into a cracked glass, and my mouth was as healthy as a well-worn shoe. Still aching, I reached for a half-finished bottle of warm beer to contemplate the previous nights events. How had I ended up in this mess again?

The culprit was there before me: all innocent now, but I knew the power that lurked inside. A new album by a band called Dayglo Mourning was to blame. I had spent the night lost in a haze of booze and infernal doom metal, my reverie spiralling out of control by the minute.

“Dead Star”, this work was called. An ode to sludgy riffs, apocalyptic drums and earth-shaking riffs in the traditional, old school style. Right up my strasse, then.

Dayglo Mourning are three barbarian bruisers from Atlanta, Georgia: Joe Mills (guitar and vocals), Jerimy McNeil (bass, vocals) and Ray Miner (drums). Together they have created a huge, monolithic prayer to the riff, with a hint of space rock and some fine bluesy flourishes for good measure.

Songs such as the title track and ‘Faithful Demise’ also offer up a warm groove, whilst ‘The Offering’ has more of a blues feel. ‘Bloodghast’ and ‘Witches Ladder’ feature a more direct, pummelling attack, and ‘Ashwhore’ features some spooky, satanic choir work to up the occult ante before ushering in another hefty riff.

Thundering vocals; a great, thick guitar tone and powerful rhythm section teamwork are enhanced with a fine production that’s crisp and clear, yet doesn’t sacrifice the traditional feel.

It’s hard to find fault with “Dead Star”. Maybe the only thing is that it’s a little too short? But then, doom is perfect for vinyl, and 35 minutes is all anyone should need.

The album even features a fantastically lurid cover, featuring some foxy space princesses in what looks like a 1970’s Marvel comic. It was this image that had woken me from my stupor; the bright supernatural glow piercing my eyelids as they cracked open. Cheers, Dayglo Mourning – fancy another pint?

Witch’s Ladder (Official Video)

01. Dead Star
02. The Offering
03. Bloodghast
04. Faithful Demise
05. Ashwhore
06. Witch’s Ladder


Dayglo Mourning Promo Pic

Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Alun Jones and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of said party. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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