
Interview with Peter Toussaint of FOURTH SON SOUTH

Interview with Peter Toussaint of FOURTH SON SOUTH
By Rick Tilley

Hi Everyone, It’s Rick.

One of the many things I love about this wonderful job/hobby is finding out about bands and scenes in different parts of the world. One of the countries where there seems to be a large and burgeoning number of great bands is South Africa. One of those bands is new Overdrive Indie Hard Rockers, Fourth Son South, who have just released their latest, standalone, single ‘Hold On’. Ever Metal recently got the chance to have a quick chat with founding member/vocalist/guitarist Peter Toussaint about the track and future plans.


Greetings Peter and thank you for taking the time to chat to us.

Your new single ‘Hold On’ follows in hot pursuit of your album “The Sounds Around Your Head” (released in November 2020). This album has done remarkably well for Fourth Son South with 3 singles in close succession to each other (‘They Run, We Hide’, ‘Positive’ and ‘Reflections’). These all had great reach and also chart coverage. We look forward to this brand-new single with another motivational theme (especially at a time we all need it most).

Q: You have evidently been very busy; what has been driving you to release such a salvo of sensational music?

PT: I forever have music dancing around in my head. After I got my home studio up to a decent level last year, I finally found myself in the position to be independent of others so I could record whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. And then the lockdown gave me the time to do so.

Q: Your single ‘Positive’ inspired us at the height of the second Covid wave, and now ‘Hold On’ aims to encourage and motivate us again to stay strong, as better times will come again. As an artist sternly affected by Covid, how have you been able to remain so optimistic and motivated; enough to even create this aspirational track?

PT: I must admit that last year I also went down the negative spiral. It’s so easy to fall into the negative abyss. For me, the only way out, was to kick myself and start creating. That was when I started writing and recording the tracks that became “The Sounds Around Your Head”. When that album was released and we got such great feedback, I knew that I should use that positive energy and feeling to write songs that would carry that energy.

Q: ‘Hold On’ is musically an evolution from the tracks on “The Sounds Around Your Head”, taking your song writing, vocal style, performance as well as instrumentation to the next level. Share some insight with us on this progressed bearing and what motivated this?

PT: Hahaha, I never know where a song is going when I start. I often have certain concepts that I’d like to try out (in this case it was a quite aggressive riff and a twin solo). I guess there’s an evolution going on but it’s not something I’m aware of whilst I’m busy writing new material.

Q: As a new single ‘Hold On’ is presently a standalone track. Will there be an album coming soon? Please shed some light on what is in the works for Fourth Son South for us to look forward to?

PT: I have got quite a few demos that still need to be elevated to proper songs. Then I must get the guys in to record their parts (and track the drums in a different studio). So yes, there’s still quite a bit of work to do but I would like to still release an album or EP this year. All also depends on the quality of the songs when they are finished. Some songs never make it to an album Hahaha!

Q: As the ‘fourth son’ deciding to travel ‘south’ from your native Dutch homeland, have you been able to take Fourth Son South there for a tour yet, or will this be high on your agenda post Covid? Where else are you planning to go once the pandemic finally allows?

PT: Fourth Son South only became a band during the pandemic, so it has not been possible to go anywhere properly. I do know that there are lots of people in the Netherlands who can’t wait to see us live but we will all have to wait. When all is cleared, we’d love to do a tour in the Netherlands and surrounding countries.

Q: With a lot of coverage and exposure globally, what territory would you say has been your most devout supporter to date?

PT: I think the most airplay has been in the UK and the US. Especially the singles ‘Positive’ and ‘Reflections’ are being played a lot there. And of course, here in South Africa!

Thank you for your time and energy Peter and good luck with the release of ‘Hold On’ this Friday 9 July!

Thank you so much! We’re looking forward to playing live again!

Peter Toussaint – Lead Vocals & Lead Guitar
Franco Jamneck – Bass Guitar & Vocal Harmonies
Dale McHardy – Rhythm Guitar
Carel Viljoen – Drums & Vocal Harmonies


‘Hold On’ (Audio)

‘Hold On’ is available on Bandcamp and all good streaming services!

Hold On Cover Art

Disclaimer: This interview is solely the property of Richard Tilley and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this interview, unless you have the strict permission of said party. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

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