EMQ’s with LURE IN

EMQ’s with LURE IN
Hi everyone! Welcome to our new EMQ’s interview with Manchester, England based Chaotic Metalcore/Hardcore band, Lure In. Huge thanks to vocalist, Cameron, for taking part.
What is your name, what do you play and can you tell us a little bit about the history of the band?
Hi, my name is Cameron & I’m the vocalist of the band Lure In, Lure in are a chaotic metalcore/hardcore band from Manchester which was started by myself & our bassist Jonny. We wanted to make music together so we recorded an EP in my room which ended up being our first Release “Derive” &, after that, James (guitarist), Jake (guitarist) & Sammy (drummer) joined for the creative & live side of the band.
How did you come up with your band name?
The band name came as I was doing a lot of cult themes lyrically, as well as, no other band or project, to my knowledge, was called Lure In so we went with it.
What country are you from and what is the metal scene like there?
We’re based in the United Kingdom & the Metal & Rock scene is very good at the moment, extremely healthy, all you’d need to do is look at the Download Pilot line up & see how good the UK’s music scene is at the moment.
What is your latest release (Album, EP, Single, Video)
So, we did a split record with our friends in Worm Hero, we had 4 songs on that record, all 4 being completely different, as we pride ourselves on not just sticking to one thing or one style of music, but not in the way where it sounds like a completely other band if you get what I mean.
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Who have been your greatest influences?
Most likely The Dillinger Escape Plan, Daughters, Vein, and pretty much every 00’s Metalcore band as well as a lot of modern pop, hip hop & pretty much anything we are listening too currently, as that really shapes the sound of the records we make.
What first got you into music?
I guess for me, personally, it’s a lot of 90’s & 00’s alt/indie rock, my step dad in particular was massively into bands like Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, pretty much everything that’s currently on Radio X here in the UK, & because of him, a lot of that rubbed off on me.
If you could collaborate with a current band or musician, who would it be?
Either Dylan Brady or AG Cook, both of them are my favourite producers at the moment and I feel especially as they both have very over the top & hyper realistic productions. It would be super sick to hear what we would sound like with that vibe.
If you could play any festival in the world, which would you choose and why?
Arctangent festival for me, our bassist would say Glastonbury but for me definitely Arctangent. Me & James went in 2019 and a lot of the acts that were on just inspired me or I was already inspired by them so being a part of that would be next level.
If you had one message for your fans, what would it be?
Just thanks for supporting us, we aren’t exactly your usual metal or rock band so to see people enjoy our songs, it’s just appreciated.
If you could bring one rock star back from the dead, who would it be?
Not a rockstar (but they could be if you look at it a certain way), if I was able to, then 100% Sophie. They were a music producer that collaborated with Charli XCX, Kim Petras & also made their own music & are one of my biggest influences as a musician & music producer.
What do you enjoy the most about being a musician? And what do you hate?
Creative freedom & having an outlet to do things is probably the best part about being a musician. The worst thing, because I know it’s coming up eventually, is venues with stairs cause I already feel the agony of getting a 12u flight rack up some stairs.
If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
I guess the scene politics, I mean we’re okay & we’ve never really had to deal with anything like that as a band but you see it with other bands & whatever and it’s just not really it.
Name one of your all-time favourite albums?
“Calculating Infinity” by the Dillinger Escape Plan.
What’s best? Vinyl, Cassettes, CD’s or Downloads?
Downloads, give me all the flac files.
What’s the best gig that you have played to date?
Probably our show in Liverpool with MTXS, crazy small room, packed out, we were the first band on & everyone was up for it, perfect storm of a show honestly.
If you weren’t a musician, what else would you be doing?
Probably something in the creative worlds, I studied game development as a kid so maybe that but especially, as of late, I’ve really wanted to get into acting.
Which five people would you invite to a dinner party?
We were asked this question a while back & it’s gonna be the same answer, I can’t think of 5 but 1 person in particular I would love to pick the mind of is Kanye West, super good producer & beatmaker & I’d just love to see how his mind works.
What’s next for the band?
New Music, A return to live shows, we’re currently in the studio with 0 idea when anything is gonna be finished, so I guess we’ll find out together.
What Social Media/Website links do you use to get your music out to people?
We normally use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the whole shebang, as well as most DSP’s but we use our socials to get those DSP’s some traffic, all our socials are @lureinband.
Jaffa Cakes? Are they a cake or a biscuit?
I had this debate in the band chat & because of the fear of possibly causing world war 3 we have decided that it’s both.
Thank you for your time. Is there anything else that you would like to add?
Thanks for the interview, our split with worm hero is out everywhere now, we’re working hard to get new music out & hopefully we’ll see everyone at a show as soon as we can get back at it.

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