Wangies Presents… The VIP Suite /VMBRA /Technologist
Wangies Presents… The VIP Suite /VMBRA /Technologist
Wangies, Eccles
Date: 04/08/23
Review by Oli Gonzalez
Wangies, Eccles is slowly establishing itself as a staple in Manchester’s rather impressive underground music scene. While it may not have the acoustics or equipment that other top venues in the area possess, it makes up for that by providing a homely community vibe and invaluable support for unsigned bands. The fact that most gigs here are free entry too makes it even sweeter, especially during these tough economic times. That’s why it was an easy decision for me to make the hour drive from Liverpool for this night of progressive rock/metal.
Very late additions to the line up, the quartet The VIP Suite drove 2.5 hours for this gig having only been booked a few hours previously. This was due to original headliners Thunderous Jones pulling out due to illness. Respect!
In all honesty, I wasn’t really getting it during their first song. However, as the set progressed, my admiration for the front man’s energy and enthusiasm for his craft grew. I particularly enjoyed him explaining the sentiment and inspiration for each song. Whether it was breaking down en route to a gig and wishing you had a spaceship, his son’s issues with dating, or a tribute to a deceased friend and fellow musician, this made me connect with the band so much more. Most musicians later in their careers tend to give up on original music and ‘sell out’ by playing covers, largely for one last payday. The fact that The VIP Suite were solely an original band was so refreshing to me. The original classic rock stylings from these veteran musicians made for a very entertaining opening act, and a delightful way to start the evening.
VMBRA are a band I had first come across at this year’s Manchester Metal To The Masses and it felt strange seeing the band perform in a small pub on the outskirts of central Manchester. This was after seeing them play to a packed out Rebellion only a few months earlier, with 200+ people in attendance. Different venue, exact same energy and enthusiasm though!
While being fantastic individual musicians in their own right, the sum was certainly greater than its parts here as they played with immense cohesion and precision, making for a thoroughly solid performance. How to describe their sound? Try to imagine Dream Theater combined with Within Temptation and Opeth, then you’re kind of, sort of, partially, nearly there! They have a very radio friendly progressive metal sound combining technical excellence with an overall pleasing aesthetic to capture the respect of any casual listener. Definitely check VMBRA out!
Technologist were last minute headliners, and we were treated to a longer set with an extra song! I was delighted as I have a lot of good history with this progressive death metal band having worked with them in my promoter days, and have seen them perform several times now. If I had one criticism, it’s that they just need an extra song or two in their set. I’ll tell you more about this new song later.
Another band who went deep into this year’s Metal To The Masses campaign, they still played with the same enthusiasm and energy regardless of venue or crowd size! You’re always guaranteed a refined performance with Technologist, and tonight was no exception. Effortlessly combining technically complex and delightfully melodic passages with blatant raw power and heaviness, the quintet really are a sight to behold. This is exemplified perfectly by the band’s new song.
Forget canonical song structures and “0001” style riffs. The structural complexity here really was something else! When throwing so many musical ideas into one song, you run the risk of either creating a refined masterpiece or a sludgy incoherent mess. The melodic elements flowed seamlessly into moments of sheer heaviness however, making this a joy to watch.
This demonstrates why Technologist really ought to be playing larger stages some time soon. Yet they still remain so humble. A solid headline performance.
Shout out to Suzie and the team for all their efforts in keeping this pub open for live original music! After the music had finished, it was clear the mutual respect the bands shared with one another. The crowd these bands had pulled was also impressive, especially during the summer months and a week before Bloodstock! With line-ups like that, the hour drive from Liverpool is going to be a no brainer for me in the future.
Disclaimer: This review is solely the property of Oli Gonzalez and Ever Metal. It is strictly forbidden to copy any part of this review, unless you have the strict permission of both parties. Failure to adhere to this will be treated as plagiarism and will be reported to the relevant authorities.