EMQ’s With The Haptics

EMQ’s With The Haptics

Hi everyone! Welcome to another EMQs interview, this time with Canadian Post-punk/ Grunge/ Alt Rock band, The Haptics. Huge thanks to their Lead Vocalist, Jin, for taking part.

What is your name, what do you play and can you tell us a little bit about the history of the band?

My name is Jin, and I’m the lead singer for The Haptics. We met online in the early days of 2022 on Vancouver Craigslist. I was looking for a group to join as I had recently moved to Vancouver and found Cam (guitarist) and his band’s demo. I loved the music, auditioned, and we started writing music right away.

How did you come up with your band name?

I was reading a William Gibson book where he uses the term “haptic reconnaissance”. I really liked the word “haptic” and bandied with the idea of using it in the band name. Another of my bandmates suggested “The Haptics” and the name stuck. 

What Country / Region are you from and what is the Metal / Rock scene like there?

 I’m originally from Montreal but grew up in Seattle. I definitely consumed a good amount of Grunge and Alternative Rock in the early days. A couple of my favourites were Nirvana and Garbage. There was a great rock show scene there when I was a teenager, and I went to shows constantly. Very lucky for that. 

What is your latest release?

We have an EP coming out on November 10th called “Zero Gravity”. We’ve released two songs off of that EP already: “Zeroes” and “Mouse”. They’ve both got videos on YouTube and we love these ones. Definitely in the running for my favourite songs we’ve ever written. 

Who have been your greatest influences?

That’s a great question! First names that come to mind are Iggy Pop, Shirley Manson, Layne Staley, Roy Orbison, and Peter Murphy. As far as bands go I know we all love Joy Division, New Order, Nirvana, and Interpol. 

What first got you into music?

I grew up a classically trained pianist who sang occasionally. I was hanging outside a punk bar in San Francisco when I ran into a drummer of a punk band who needed a singer. At the time I was making cassette and mp3 demos of me on a keyboard, singing. I started singing with them in SF, was later in a band in Berlin, and am in The Haptics now. I’ve always loved music. It’s an essential part of my life – like oxygen. 

If you could collaborate with a current band or musician who would it be?

I’d love to open for Depeche Mode or Tears For Fears – a couple of my all-time favourite bands. Personally, I’d also like to collaborate with Trent Reznor or Mark Mothersbaugh. 

If you could play any festival in the world, which would you choose and why?

Cruel World in Los Angeles! They had suuuch a killer line-up this year. It would be such an honour. 

What’s the weirdest gift you have ever received from a fan?

I’ve only had really sweet gifts, honestly. My favourite was handmade watercolour paintings from a teenage musician – Sophie Leetma – who turned into quite the accomplished musician now

If you had one message for your fans, what would it be?

If you want to create something – bring life to something – creatively, you can. There are so many varied ways to be created and accomplish something, where it’s musically, visually, or verbally. 

If you could bring one rock star back from the dead, who would it be?

I would bring back Roy Orbison because I f•cking love him. 

What do you enjoy the most about being a musician? And what do you hate?

I love jamming with my bandmates and creating music. I feel like writing music sheds light on all of the emotions that get crammed up during our day-to-day lives. What I hate about it: poverty. But luckily, I’ve got a full-time gig I love. Just wish I had as much time for music!

If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

I’d love if all the talented musicians I know could make it their bread and butter. Too many excellent talents languishing in the dark unable to support themselves because the industry doesn’t allow them to earn respectable royalties. 

Name one of your all-time favourite albums?

I’d say the self-titled album “Garbage” by Garbage. It was such an awesome piece of work to tether to during my tumultuous teenage years. I still remember crying to “No. 1 Crush” while sending an anonymous love letter to my 6th grade crush. It still inspires so many feels, all these years later. 

What’s best? Vinyl, Cassettes, CD’s or Downloads?

I’m kinda weird like that, I’m gonna say cassettes. I got hooked on cassettes when I was 16 and broke my car’s CD player in an accident. All I had to listen to were these semi-obscure cassette recordings of Seattle’s “THE END” radio station from the 1990s. I love the way cassettes rewind and the anticipation that builds when you’re skipping forward or rewinding back. I kept listening to cassettes all through film school because that player never ran out of battery unlike my iPod. 

What’s the best gig that you have played to date?

My favourite gig I’ve ever played was probably at Bully’s New West with The Haptics. I was pretty drunk for that show because I was sooo nervous! We hadn’t played for a while and the nerves were building strong. We also went out pre-gaming which in retrospect wasn’t very smart… but luckily the show went off without a hitch, the crowd was incredible, and the venue was super cool. Also, honourable mention: playing at Buddha’s, a venerable Vancouver punk venue that recently closed due to a fire. That was quite the honour. 

If you weren’t a musician, what else would you be doing?

If I had all the money in the world I would’ve liked to have been a painter. I paint in my free time just for fun, but I’d spend a lot more time doing it if possible. Also, I wouldn’t mind being a restaurant reviewer. Think of all the goodies. 

Which five people would you invite to a dinner party?

Alive or dead? I’ll pick any from all time. I’d invite Neal Stephenson, Stephen King, Norman Mailer, Kobo Abe, and Jesus. The first four are my favourite authors. The last one… I just have some questions for. 

What’s next for the band?

We’ve got that EP “Zero Gravity” coming out on Nov. 10th! And we’re playing shows around town on a consistent basis. Also, we’re looking at releasing another album next year. 

What Social Media / Website links do you use to get your music out to people?

We’re on Insta at the.haptics, on Facebook as The Haptics, and online at thehaptics.ca 🙂

Time for a very British question now. As an alternative to the humble sandwich, is the correct name for a round piece of bread common in the UK either a Bap, a Barm (or Barm Cake), a Batch, a Bun, a Cob, a Muffin, a Roll or a Tea Cake?

Okay I’m going to not look this up. I’m going to go with “muffin” because I’m thinking of “English Muffin”. But that being said, I think I’ve had a Barm Cake and it was delish.

Thank you for your time. Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Lots of love to all our supporters and fans. You make it a joy. <3

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