Album & EP Reviews

Reese – Long Streets

Reese – Long Streets
Octopus Rising
Release Date: 29/11/2024
Running Time: 36:53
Review by Beth Morait

Italian Alt-Rockers, Reese, have been around for a good decade or so now, but really started to make inroads with their previous, post-pandemic release “Dreaming Pieces”. They deliver a solid brand of pacey, Melodic Alt Rock, with more than a hint of 90s Grunge, and a few Proggy, off-beat twists. Their new release “Long Streets” has been in the making for a couple of years, and now it’s here for your pleasure and perusal. They’ve also recorded an Italian version, with the vocals delivered entirely in Italian. 

From the get-go, this is a solid, energetic album that takes you in the direction it wants you to go. Overdriven guitars and rocksteady drumming take the lead in the opening track, which is a classic, Punk-edged Rock banger. It reminds me a little of Manic Street Preachers in the “This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours” era. 

Title track, ‘Long Streets’, gets a bit more exploratory, with a difficult time signature in the verses, and some lovely close harmonies in the chorus. Frontman Carlo Stuarti also has an element of Muse’s Matt Bellamy to his voice, which works well with this style of music.

They know how to do a ballad too. Track 4, ‘Post-It’ is a lovely slowed tempo number, which starts off tenderly with gentle playing and vocals, and swells as it moves along. The vocal harmonies are particularly on-point in this track, which pleases me a lot. 

This is a good, solid album, with every element you’d want from a good Rock record. Some fast songs, some slower songs, and some songs that are happier than others. Musically, it’s solid, and vocally, it’s sound. My only criticism is it feels a little safe. The more exploratory elements show a glimmer of what the band could do to make them stand out from the massively overcrowded Alt-Rock market. And I absolutely think they should try experimenting even more to create a sound that really has the edge. They’ve lost a mark from me for fading out a couple of tracks, too! Damn, I hate fades!!!

01. Wait For The Day
02. Long Streets
03. Plan B
04. Post-It
05. Dresscode
06. Sleepless Nights
07. Forfeit
08. The Expert
09. That Thing
10. Homeless Ghost

Carlo Sturati – Vocals, Guitar
Ettore “Bob” Duliman – Keyboards
Matteo “Matt” Castegnaro – Bass
Enrico “Greg” Gregori – Drums
Mauro Poli – Lead Guitar


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