Album & EP Reviews

Avatarium – Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead

Avatarium – Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead
AFM Records
Release Date: 24/01/25
Review by Rory Bentley

You can set your watch by Avatarium. Every two years or so they rock up and casually drop a sublime chunk of sultry Doom Metal spliced with some Psychedelic Rock and I go on an insufferable rant about how under-appreciated they are that probably does more harm than good. Well, this time there will be no rant- just me telling you that this album is fucking great!

The lurching, ominous riff and silky organs that kickstart ‘Long Black Waves’ immediately reassured me that I was in safe hands from here on out, and Jennie-Ann Smith making the mic her bitch with a trademark powerhouse performance that combines Dio-like drama with smoky jazz tones only served to rubber stamp this. I love the way the chorus explodes out of the rubble of the verses like some ancient evil being awakened. Doom is always at its most potent with me when there’s a strong sense of dynamics and hook you can get your teeth into, and Avatarium have always delivered the good in this respect.

Next up is the customary Hard-Rocking banger that pops up on every Avatarium release, with the ass-shaking 70s swagger of ‘I See You Better In The Dark’, which dials up the Pop factor while dishing into a muscular groove akin to ‘Man On The Silver Mountain’, with Jennie-Ann pouring attitude and grandeur into every line. The slinky organs are outrageously sexy here and the tambourines that bolster the chorus are chef’s kiss. 

Although the band’s magnificent taliswoman will always pull focus, Marcus Jedell deserves his flowers as well; and as a long-term fan of his playing, there’s plenty of prime axe-slinging filth to marvel over here. The spooky bluesy outro solo at the end of ‘My Hair Is On Fire’ feels like pure evil dripping from the fretboard, and Lord almighty the towering, downright disgusting riff on ‘Being With The Dead’ is the sonic equivalent of being lured out of your January diet by the irresistible aroma of a gigantic burger that you know is all kinds of wrong for you.

While the album definitely ticks all those classic Avatarium boxes, there are plenty of interesting sonic detours that add eclecticism and dynamic range without throwing off the overall vibe. The rootsy, acoustically-led ‘Lovers Give A Kingdom To Each Other’ Is a sublime midpoint to the record that has an ethereal, almost biblical quality, as flamenco guitars and buzzing strings underpin another otherworldly vocal performance, with Jennie-Ann sitting in her crystalline high register like a story-telling siren. Jidell also goes full Jerry Cantrell on ‘Jar of Flies’ with a majestic electric solo pulled from deep within the soul.

At a brisk 8 tracks that flow together seamlessly, this is the most well-balanced and consistent record since the band’s first couple of full-lengths. From the melting riffs and escalating terror of ‘Until Forever and Again’, to the climactic emotional thrill ride of the title track, featuring another breathtaking vocal take, the back half of the album finishes as strong as its raucous beginning. 

Some of you may recall me giving an Epic Doom album my number 1 spot in my end of year list, that being Crypt Sermon’s modern classic “The Stygian Rose”. The fact that album number 6 from this consistently great outfit is often in touching distance of that record should tell you that this is Doom of the very finest vintage, and even more delightfully I’ll probably be saying the same about the next album.

‘I See You Better In The Dark’ Official Video 

01. Long Black Waves
02. I See You Better In The Dark
03. My Hair Is On Fire (But I’ll Take Your Hand)
04. Lovers Give A Kingdom To Each Other
05. Being With The Dead
06. Until Forever And Again
07. Notes From Underground
08. Between You, God, The Devil and The Dead


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